Gaining admissions to the schools of your choice. 

COllege admissions

Every year, college admissions become more COMPETITIVE.

Our advice: Start early.

At Cardiff Consulting, we create a tailored college planning program for you. Just remember, every day that goes by without a plan, your options become more limited. You'll have to work harder and faster to catch up to those that started earlier. Come to us at any age - whether you are 16, 12, or 6 years old. We have a plan for you.  

Graduate school admissions


Acceptance into graduate school can often be even more challenging than acceptance into colleges and universities. Why? Most people who decide to apply for graduate school have a good idea of what type of program and lists of schools. This means that the quality of applicants to graduate schools programs are more selective, even though there may be less applications overall.

K-12 admissions

Our team offers personalized services for K-12 schools admissions processes. These processes often require more involvement and input from parents and guardians often because of the demands and culture of the schools. At Cardiff, we work with the entire family to develop winning strategies that spans beyond K-12, as we know the foundation we plan for today will impact admissions to colleges and universities, career prospects, and overall success in life. 

These education planning programs are highly tailored. Please contact us for a free assessment and consultation.